
War Thunder

Our War Thunder Heroes Trailer has been viewed by over 7.3 million people since its launch in September, 2013!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget eros sapien. Suspendisse volutpat finibus consequat. Sed non sapien a nibh feugiat dignissim quis id odio. Maecenas eu est ac arcu laoreet venenatis a in lacus. Sed rhoncus est lacus, eget luctus magna consectetur at. Suspendisse potenti.


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What did we do?

Pre-rendered CG



Pre-rendered CG





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget eros sapien. Suspendisse volutpat finibus consequat. Sed non sapien a nibh feugiat dignissim quis id odio. Maecenas eu est ac arcu laoreet venenatis a in lacus. Sed rhoncus est lacus, eget luctus magna consectetur at. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent volutpat tempor sem, sit amet condimentum ipsum tristique nec. Duis quam nulla, lacinia at iaculis eget, aliquet molestie quam. Donec nibh diam, consequat quis facilisis a, consequat vitae lectus. Pellentesque vel lacus quis nibh egestas tempor. Nunc in nisi nisl. Praesent accumsan ornare tellus, vitae consectetur nulla ullamcorper ut. Etiam quis interdum.

REALTIME is known for its attention to detail, so the REALTIME team was a perfect fit to create the trailer for this game which was about to make its debut on Playstation. With the creative treatment relying on a bold slow-motion approach in which every military accuracy would be scrutinised by the game's legions of fans, the trailer is a testament to our team's character work and meticulous modeling capability


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