Our trailer for Lost Skies has won platinum at the MUSE Awards! Huge congrats to our team and friends at Humble Bundle and Bossa Games.
A massive thanks also to Rumpus Animation and Justin Andree for all the support on this awesome project!
Our trailer for Lost Skies has won platinum at the MUSE Awards! Huge congrats to our team and friends at Humble Bundle and Bossa Games.
A massive thanks also to Rumpus Animation and Justin Andree for all the support on this awesome project!
Name & job title:
Doug Russel-Fisher – Production Coordinator
Where do you fit in?
At REALTIME, I work in the TV/Episodic production team, helping coordinate the flow of work through the various pipeline steps and between internal and external teams.
In life, wherever there is good music, good food, or good laughs
How did you get your start in the industry?
Same as everyone else… at the bottom! I’ve always wanted to work in film, but before I started, I was working in the city and hating every minute of it. I wanted something different, so I decided to give the film industry a proper go. With no formal education or experience in anything film-related, I wasn’t sure where or how I would fit, but I was lucky enough to get hired as a runner at a brilliant post facility in Soho. From there, I was immersed in all things post production and worked my way up to the production office, working with super talented and knowledgeable people on some awesome projects in both DI and VFX.
Your superpower?
Connecting with people: I like to find commonality with people in any way I can; whether through humour, shared interests, or just straight up empathy! I believe it not only helps build a better working relationship with someone, but also aids communication, which leads to better understanding and ultimately a better quality of work. It also makes work more fun!
What inspires you day-to-day?
Oh man, what a question! So many things! In a nutshell; the people around me. At all levels, both professionally and personally, they’re doing and creating amazing things, which is a constant source of inspiration.
My desert island film / TV show / animation / game /artform / piece of artwork is:
Anything by the Coen Brothers or Paul Thomas Anderson, but if you had to push me for one: The Big Lebowski
Your soundtrack whilst working:
NTS Radio (if you know; you know!)—whether it’s their live channels, recorded shows, or their infinite mixtapes they have impeccable selections for all modes and moods. It’s nice to not have to think about what to put on, plus I’m always discovering so much amazing new (and old) music!
If you could work with anyone who?
Spike Jonze – director, photographer, or maybe Hideo Kojima, legendary game director!
If not this, then what?
I’d love to work in UI/UX design, maybe digital nomading out of a nicely converted van in some lovely country, getting out in nature whenever I please. That would be a swell existence.
Initially, it was a case of right time, right place; I had been working with fairly basic 2D workflows but wanted a change, and RT luckily had room for me! I much prefer the depth of 3D/CG visual effects work; there’s so much to learn, and it’s always evolving as an artform, so your knowledge is constantly a work in progress. I also really enjoy getting to work in that sweet spot between art and science, where we use equal parts creativity and technicality to basically create magic.
People would be surprised that…
I’m one of six kids (second youngest!)
Advice you’d give yourself if you were just starting out?
Have you journeyed to Mêlée Island yet?
It was an honour to have worked with Rare and Lucasfilm Games on the announcement trailer for Rare Ltd’s Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island. Unveiled during the Xbox Showcase, this iconic crossover brings characters from the beloved Monkey Island series into the world of Sea of Thieves for the ultimate pirate adventure!
Name & job title:
Matt Gardner, HR Manager
Where do you fit in?
My role spreads across the whole company, fitting in when and where needed. HR is there to oversee most parts of the employee lifecycle (with support from the fantastic Skills & Development and Talent Teams), from onboarding, to pay, to benefits, to offboarding and so on.
How did you get your start in the industry?
Although I’ve been in HR & Admin roles for quite a while, this is actually my first role in the VFX industry! I’m an avid gamer, so to be able to work in a role I love for a company that does something I feel so passionately about is extremely fulfilling!
Your superpower?
Definitely learning. I’ve always been the kind of person who is looking to learn new things, and I’ve previously been told my brain is like a sponge (I’m assuming this was a compliment)! After finishing university, I definitely felt like my brain was missing the stimulation, so I ended up studying through apprenticeships, learning more hands-on skills, and got into some random hobbies in my free time (this ranges wildly from things like learning to crochet to sitting and watching 3 hour videos about astrophysics, pandemics, or the god particle), and even recently studying Korean!
What inspires you on the day-to-day?
I’m a very empathetic person, so knowing that I’m making people’s lives better or easier or giving people the chance to feel listened to plays a big role in getting me motivated day-to-day.
My desert island game:
Any Final Fantasy game! If you drop in on me during my free time, I will be playing Final Fantasy, be it XIV online with friends or spending my free time playing 1–16 one after the other, that’s what I’ll be doing!
Your soundtrack whilst working:
I have a very varied (and questionable) taste in music! I can bounce between Kate Bush (Wuthering Heights, of course), to current pop, to bands like Rammstein, however, most of the time I just listen to whatever monstrosity of a playlist my Spotify concocts for me!
If you could work with anyone who?
Square Enix, of course! It’s my dream to see the ins and outs of a Final Fantasy game being created!
If not this, then what?
That’s a very difficult question! I very much love living in the moment, which has gotten me into some strange roles in the past! I’m always up for trying anything at least once, so I’m sure by now I’d be something like a part time astronaut or a professional dog washer if someone asked me in the right way!
The moment I saw the Subnautica Below Zero trailer was something we’d worked on, I knew this was something I needed to be a part of! It’s a pleasure to be surrounded by such talented individuals who love what they do (and do it so well)!
People would be surprised that…
I’d say either that I’ve got a degree in Maths, or that I’m a trained butcher and fishmonger!
Advice you’d give yourself if you were just starting out?
At the risk of sounding cliché, don’t stop yourself from trying new things because you’re afraid to make mistakes, you’ll always make them; just learn to own them!
We’re thrilled to announce that we have been working on Project L, the new tag-team-style fighting game from Riot Games!
Watch the latest dev diary to hear all about the newest developments, and if you’re attending EVO 2023 in Last Vegas this week, be sure to check out the playable demo on showcase.