REALTIMERS: Lizzie Horsburgh, Studio Production Director

Name & job title:
Lizzie, Studio Production Director
Where do you fit in?
Somewhere between the cool cats on rooftop bars until the wee hours of the morning, and the nerds queuing up to watch the latest comic book adaptation.
How did you get your start in the industry?
I worked as a runner on a Manic Street Preachers video.
Your superpower?
Spinning multiple plates at the same time, and having a mostly reliable photographic memory.
What inspires you day-to-day?
Making my parents proud, being a role model for my daughter, and proving everyone who said doing a Film Studies degree at university was a stupid mistake, wrong.
My desert island film would be:
True Romance and my tv show would be a toss-up between The US Office or guilty pleasure Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!
My soundtrack whilst working is:
“Ibiza Beach Club” playlists on Spotify – primarily because they’re easy to listen to background tunes, but also because who doesn’t want to imagine drinking champagne on a cabana bed in Ibiza whilst battling with an Excel spreadsheet!
If you could work with anyone who?
Bill Nighy – although my childhood obsession was Jerry Bruckheimer!
If not this, then what?
I would love to be a high-profile event planner because I love themed parties, crafting bespoke décor, and organising the perfect night that everyone can enjoy.
I like the fact that I have flexibility to work from home and pick my daughter up from nursery, or wear pyjama bottoms to a meeting if I’m feeling bloated. I like how friendly and welcoming everyone is. I like going into the Manchester office to see everyone, collaborate in a fun, light and airy space, and the bars around the studio are great too.
People would be surprised to know that…
I can’t ride a bike, and my go-to cosplay is The Valkyrie from Thor.
Advice I’d give myself if I were just starting out?
Think more about what you’re going to say and how others might perceive that message, but equally don’t hold back if you have an opinion as everyone’s voice has a right to be heard. Ultimately, there’s a right place and a right time for everything – just learn how to read the room.