
Meet Yujia

Have you met the latest addition to our automotive team, Yujia?

Tell me a little bit about yourself?

I’m Yujia, from Shanghai, China. This is the first time I’ve worked abroad, I’m so excited because everything is brand new, like the farm and cows opposite the studio, I’ve never seen such a magnificent scene living in the city. I’m also really happy to be joining the RT team, it’s an honour to work with such talented artists from all over the world. As a CG artist, I have a huge passion for design and rendering, I’ve been in the CG industry for over a decade and since my last job started to focus in on automotive.


What’s your role at REALTIME?

I am a Senior Lighting Artist in the automotive department, so my main goal is to make the cars look as beautiful and real as physically possible!


What first sparked your interest in cars?

When I was a kid, I watched a Japanese cartoon <MINI 4WD>, which had a great influence on me. I’ve had a lot of mini 4wd models, it’s a kind of toy, but I regard them as my treasures, modify them and make them into something completely unique. When I grew up, my taste changed to cars with an elegant design, like Agera, Vanquish, etc.


So, what does an average day consist of for you?

I make cars look great. So, after receiving the task from Graham, I analyse what effect I’m aiming for, and then try to use the most appropriate lighting to achieve it. Then render the images and adjust them until they reach the desired state, and everyone is happy. It’s all about iteration!


What’s been your favourite project to work on and that you’re most proud of?

This is hard to say because every time I finish a project, I always feel that it is the best. But after some time, I don’t see it being as good, with growing as an artist, the standard is constantly improving. I believe the best project will always be the next one.


What’s the best thing about working here?

I’m sure there’s nothing cooler than working with artists from all over the world, and everyone has their own experience, and a unique way of thinking. I am looking forward to communicating and sharing knowledge with everyone here and seeing things progress.


Are there any upcoming things in the industry that you think people need to keep an eye out for?

By observing the software trends and updates. I think in the process of CG production, the boundaries of the early and late stages of the image will become blurred, and the early operation will be more convenient and simplified. For example, take the latest V-Ray Next, already can display in real time in viewport, and can render a beautiful lens halo effect. All in all, the use of software will become more and more simple, artists should always focus on how to improve the aesthetic.


Do you have any tips for new artists wanting to do what you do?

I think no matter what it is you do, interest is the most critical, if you are interested, you will unknowingly put more into it. With the accumulation of time, you will naturally find out how to do it faster and better. So, if you want me to give advice, it’s to find out what you really love it, and keep doing that.


Tell me a fun fact about yourself?

I just started trying to grow my hair.

International Women’s Day 2019

Friday the 8th of March is a day to mark in your calendars. It’s International Women’s Day (IWD), and in the age of #MeToo, it has never been more important. Despite an ever-progressing society, there are still ways we can improve. It’s why IWD’s theme for 2019 is ‘#BalanceforBetter’.

The rabbit hole of statistics goes deep, and we could spend all our time digging through these facts. Facts like unlocking the full potential of women in the workplace could be worth £23 billion to our economy. Or the fact that almost half of the workforce (46%) is female, yet women hold only a quarter of senior roles.

But you can see the tide shifting; the figures are looking better here in the UK as time goes on. So, to mark the occasion, we decided to interview our female staff.

Marketing manager. Concept artist. Office manager. Production manager. Head of Production. These are just some of the roles covered by the women here at RealtimeUK. They are Zoe, Flora, Heather, Bhavini, and Jane, respectively. For them, it’s been a crazy 2019 already, and that isn’t about to stop anytime soon.


Zoe – food for thought

“My day to day can change massively depending on what’s going on in production and what awesome projects we’re working on,” says Zoe, Marketing manager. Her role is organising the chaotic whirlwind that is the busy schedule of RealtimeUK. Sometimes literally – it wasn’t long ago she was organising their trip to Total Chaos in May!

She continued: “I create, implement, and analyse all on/offline marketing campaigns we run ensuring they all contribute to the overall marketing strategy, as well as heading up all of the social media channels. Basically, if it’s anything brand/marketing related, I’m normally leading the way.”

Zoe knew what she wanted to do from a relatively young age, other than cooking and eating that is.

“I decided I wanted to do marketing while working at MFI at the tender age of 16. I actually combed the yellow pages – yes, the yellow pages – for marketing agencies/consultancies in my local area.”

She went on to study for a degree in advertising, brand, and marketing management at Manchester Metropolitan University and was eventually headhunted by RealtimeUK. Now she spends her time with partner Debbie, step-son Cai, and dog Buddy, doing what she does best: cooking, eating, and hosting dinner parties.


Flora – art at work

“I am a concept artist and matte painter,” says Flora. Artistic talent seems to flow through Flora, who paints on the job and off the job: “as a concept artist, my work is used to give a visual direction to the CG artists who will create the final image, or to communicate with the client when the company is pitching ideas.”

Flora is originally from France, where she studied architecture before moving onto special effects. In 2017, after graduation, she found herself at the RealtimeUK Academy, which ended with the company offering her a job!

“At weekends I actually do quite the same thing as I do during the week at work: I paint! But this time I work on personal projects,” she continues. “I am very passionate about it. What I learn at work I use in my personal stuff, and vice versa.”

“I also watch movies and play video games with friends – I guess I’m kind of a nerd!” Who isn’t, Flora? Who isn’t?


Heather – the glue that holds us together

“As Office manager, my role is really varied. From doing account management, billing our clients, sorting out pensions, and staff appraisals, to arranging travel and accommodation for events.”

That’s Heather’s role in the company. Juggling multiple responsibilities, it’s a job where no two days are the same. And in Zoe’s words: “Heather is basically the glue; she sticks us all together!”

Heather has been with the company for over 15 years! In her previous job, she worked for Hilton Hotels as an events manager.

For Heather, a simple life is the best life: “I don’t really have time for hobbies; I’ve got 15-year-old twin daughters who take up most of my spare time!”

“We do try and get out on a Sunday afternoon to the park with our two dogs, just spending family time together on weekends is the best.”


Bhavini – production mastermind

For production manager Bhavini, her job is making sure everyone else knows their job. But she has her daily schedule locked down.

“My work day usually starts with catching up with my emails and Skype messages. I have the habit of flagging my emails so I know what needs action on that particular day. Next, I update the tracker of every project I am working on. There are meetings and calls scheduled in between these. I mostly end the day by entering my hours on the Intranet for the day and logging out.

“And, there are always unanticipated elements that need immediate attention and solving.”

Bhavini has an artistic flair, like many RealtimeUK staff members. She has an MSc in new media informatics, with a specialisation in 3D. But while she started off working as an artist, she knew it wasn’t her passion. Something that was though was production.

“I am an Indian by birth but was born and raised in the UAE,” Bhavini is well-travelled, having lived and worked in not only India and the UAE, but also the US (where she completed her degree) and, obviously, the UK. It makes sense – after all, she did say she loves to travel!


Jane – the industry expert

“My role at RealtimeUK is as Head of Production; I manage the games and broadcast teams over both the Manchester and Westby Studios.”

Jane is a pro in the industry, with 15 years under her belt. She’s spent this time in the VFX industry and has worked her way up through the ranks to become Head of Production in the company. It’s a job she’s held since 2012.

It’s a role with a lot of responsibility, so how does Jane unwind? “Weekdays are generally pretty full-on, so I like to make the most of the weekends, socialising with friends in Manchester and watching films.”

“I also like blowing off the cobwebs on a long walk in the countryside which is just on our doorstep – as long as there’s a pub at the end!”

Jane also has a knack for artistry and likes to dabble in photography when she gets the chance.


What does the future hold?

It’s hard to believe it’s March already. Then again, it already feels like so much time has passed. But there’s still plenty of 2019 left.

“I hope to be flying across the globe with RealtimeUK and Stu [Bayley, art director] speaking at lots of industry events, sharing some amazing insights into how we do what we do,” says Zoe. “I’d also like to somehow fit in a baby and have the extension finished on the new house.”

For Flora, it’s about continual improvement: “I will do my best to keep learning and practising, in order to enhance my artistic skills. I am really curious about the newest software and methods we can use to create art; there are many things to discover in this area and it changes very fast.”

Jane echoes this sentiment: “I’d like to continue my own personal and professional development. Hopefully, this will have a positive effect on the people around me and end in a successful, fun year.”

“2019 is a big year for our family as the girls leave school and start at sixth form college,” Heather says. She has a lot on her plate personally it seems, and as far as she’s concerned, she just wants to be happy and healthy. “I also want to be able to encourage and support my daughters in this big transitional year.”

For Bhavini, being happy and healthy is on the agenda. Having recently purchased a house here in the UK, she’s starting to make it her home. In the future, she hopes to tackle any health issues, leaving her fit and fine once again.


What matters most…

For International Women’s Day, it’s important to remember and value the women who inspire us and continue to shape us. For many of the RealtimeUK staff, that person is their mum.

“There is no one else that inspires me more than my mum,” says Zoe. “Single parent of three, I mean, I could barely look after myself at 23, let alone three young kids. She’s been successful in so many jobs but her passion lies in fitness, so she bit the bullet and retrained as a PT.”

Jane felt similarly, saying, “My mum has always been the biggest inspiration – she gives great 1:1 motivational speeches exactly when you need them! She’s one of the most positive people you could meet and always puts other people first – it would be good to live up to her reputation at some point.”

Heather had a different approach: “All working mums inspire me. It’s a hard job to juggle a career and a family, and I often think women are penalised for this instead of being celebrated.”

Flora finds inspiration in her artistic peers. “This one comes from the same school as me, and it makes me very happy to see where she is now and how great her pictures are.”

Bhavini has a long list of inspirational women: “Kiran Bedi, Sushma Swaraj, and Nirmala Sitharaman to name a few.”

She also points out that it isn’t just women that can leave an impact on you: “To be honest, I do not only have women in my list of who inspires me. There are many men who also inspire me. Narendra Modi, Ratan Tata, and Ajit Doval are just some of them.”

Jane rounded it off by saying, “I have great admiration for all women who are successful in business in any industry – there aren’t many of us in the VFX industry especially and it’s a tough place to be at the best of times. I’m hoping there will be more women who join us in the next few years.”


The years ahead

International Women’s Day may be on March 8th, but its message is intended to carry on through the year – and for years to come. The landscape is shifting, and it’s a sentiment held close by the women of RealtimeUK.

“[International Women’s Day is] a chance to celebrate the incredible women in the world,” says Heather. “But we shouldn’t need an International Women’s Day to do this; it should just happen naturally but unfortunately it doesn’t, so that’s the change I’d like to see happen.”

Flora couldn’t agree more: “I wish that it was widely acknowledged that gender does not define who we are and what we are capable of. I think that achieving gender equality in all matters is one of the most important issues we have to deal with now. International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to raise awareness about it.”

For Jane, this day is a chance to reflect on all the amazing, strong women who strive every day to make their lives better – juggling home life and careers. “I’d like to see continued equality in the workplace, but also appreciate the differences between men and woman. Surely we just need to bring out the best in each other?”

Bhavini admits that International Women’s Day isn’t something she’s ever acknowledged, but you don’t need a specific day to do that. “Women in all their avatars should be respected on a daily basis: as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, cousin, aunt, grandmother, colleague, whoever they are.

“There is a list of changes I would like to see in the world and in myself, and I hope they are for good. Change, after all, is the only constant in the universe.”

“For me, the meaning of International Women’s Day has changed a lot in the wake of the #MeToo movement,” says Zoe. “What became so clear with #MeToo is how far away we still are from gender equality; from sexual harassment and abuse of power.

“International Women’s Day is an opportunity to honour the women who have been at the forefront of fighting against gender inequality.

“It is a day to reflect on the work that still remains. It is a day to remind us to look beyond our borders, our bodies and race, and to think about how we can make future progress daily.”


RealtimeUK supports this progress and is proud of the work done by Zoe, Flora, Heather, Jane, and all of our female staff. If you would like to discuss working with us in the future, please contact Zoe on zoe@realtimeuk.com.

CGI – the all-pervading tool for the automotive marketer and designer

CGI has rightly established itself across all media; very few blockbuster films made today, for example, do without it and its pervasive nature can be seen in prestige TV shows like Game of Thrones and Westworld.

Fluid and flexible, it can be used to create whatever or wherever and is tweaked in moments. As CGI software and techniques move us ever closer to photo-realism, the lines between what’s real and what isn’t are blurred. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the automotive industry.

So much so that the extent to which it’s used in advertisements probably flies over the head of the average consumer. But this relationship has blossomed beyond that, into new, exciting realms that are streamlining the design process.

Virtual insanity

For decades a dream of the gaming industry, virtual reality has enjoyed a recent resurgence thanks to the likes of the HTC Vive Pro and PlayStation VR. Gamers don’t get to have all the fun though; VR is being used to train surgeons, explore museums, and change military training.

It’s even being used in car manufacturing and design. This McLaren video showcases how VR enables designers to adjust their creation with ease, switching between 2D and 3D models, and interior and exterior positioning. VR’s use also extends to the showroom, allowing consumers to take a car for a test drive without going out for a test drive. The showroom isn’t even needed – it can be done from the comfort of your own sofa.

Augmented reality is also making waves in the industry. Using an app, users can see a 3D CGI render of a vehicle in the real world, allowing them to envisage it on their very own driveway. It’s all configurable on the fly too; colour, wheel design, interior trim – all tweaked in real-time, giving curious customers a real sense of how their dream car will fit into their lives.

Blurred lines

While there’s still an appreciation for traditional live-action shooting of car advertisements and commercial images, we’re at a point where the car in question doesn’t even need to make the trip!

This is immeasurably useful in an industry where designs are so closely guarded prior to release, with small armies of designers slaving over every detail of their latest creations until the very last moment.

And rightfully so. CGI now enjoys such an integral relationship with the automotive industry that promotional campaigns can actually be developed in tandem with the design of the vehicle. There’s no grand tug of war between advertising and design – no push and pull of deadlines. CGI renders can be created along with the design and if anything is tweaked, it can be mirrored in the render effortlessly.

This Audi advertisement for example, with almost 3 million views, was created entirely using CGI.

It’s also eminently possible to marry CGI with live action shooting, with spectacular results. The automotive equivalent of Andy Serkis, this fully-adjustable car rig acts as a stand-in for any vehicle – just overlay your secret new vehicle in the comfort of your studio and hey presto, a launch film in any location, at any time of day, in any weather you like, with none of the security headaches that will usually beset this kind of exercise.

As CGI develops and it becomes impossible to separate real from fake, the automotive industry’s biggest names are switching on to its benefits. Not least because it’s a much cheaper alternative to filming on-location. Usage may still be in its infancy in some quarters, but the trend is undeniable, it isn’t likely to be going anywhere anytime soon.

With such a mammoth presence, you can’t ignore CGI. If you want to take advantage of the technology on offer and bring your car to life, RealtimeUK has the vast experience and unquestionable ability to perfectly recreate your design. If you’ve got a car, we’ve got a solution – get in touch with me on paul@realtimeuk.com

The Ultimate Goal of Personalisation

The ultimate goal of personalisation in the automotive world

The concept of personalisation in the online world is more complex than targeted adverts or generic landing pages. Consumers seek a personal experience, where brands talk directly to them and show they understand.

Focus on the customer experience is already in full swing, especially within the automotive industry. With 93% of car sales beginning online, the landscape has to adjust. 62% of customers initiate the buying process online before visiting a showroom, so if the correct tools and excellent customer experience are in place, you could have a loyal customer.


The ‘individual’

Today’s customer doesn’t want to ‘keep up with the Joneses’. People want individualism. Why else would Coke put names on their bottles if not to appeal directly to their customers’ sense of self?

Something that appeals to that idea of individuality should be prevalent in the automotive industry too. Call it a millennial trait, but soon they’ll make up 40% of the automotive market. With it looking like the industry could better appeal to them, maybe others could learn from Tesla and their smooth online experience.

During the online experience, 50% of consumers are interacting with configurator tools. Those who have one are bringing in 20% more visitors. They want something that is uniquely their own, thus making them more inclined to purchase. In the world of car configurators, this means everything from the colour of the vehicle to the stitching on the seat. And with CG, you can make it realistic and configurable on the fly.


Customer loyalty

Those with configurators are guiding 60% more viewers into an actual dealership visit, meaning there is a greater chance to convert them to real sales.

Configurators also open the door to upselling. A controversial sales tactic in person, it flows more naturally in an online environment. With the right timing, you could increase the value of the sale with a suggestion of a car cover or an accessory.

The end result should be customer loyalty. The experience on offer should make a person feel valued, increasing the chances they come back again (see the success of Amazon). It’s a part of the ‘customer experience’, and this is a lifelong concept. In the end, loyalty begets more sales.

And that brings us full circle. You don’t incorporate personalisation into your car configurator does just because it looks good. The ultimate goal is to show people that you care, that you hear them, and that you can be as loyal to them as they are to you. It’s more than making it your goal to sell cars; it’s not even about selling your brand. It’s about being the first choice when a consumer thinks of cars. Not because they look the best, but because you care.

Never underestimate the impact your configurator can have. Consumers crave a sleek, efficient experience. You can’t afford to have a subpar configurator. That’s why RealtimeUK delivers the best, like our Bentley Bentayga configurator – so you can be the best. Get in touch with me at paul@realtimeuk.com to find out more.

Why changing car configurator supplier isn’t the challenge you expect!

Have you found yourself questioning how difficult it would be to change your car configurator supplier?

The online marketplace continues to dominate, and the automotive sector is proving no different. We are at a point where a majority of people would rather keep the entire experience online when buying a new vehicle. With such a focus on the online environment, it’s critical to have the first-party tools available to make these wishes a reality.

Today, 83% of consumers expect a personalised service. According to McKinsey, there is an appetite for personalisation done the right way. It can lead to five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend and can increase sales by 10%.

It’s why car configurators are more important than they ever have been, especially with the progression of VR and AR. You will likely already have a car configurator, and you might think you are set. You could change your car configurator supplier, but why would you even need to? Yours is fine, right?


A sense of uncertainty

To some, swapping supplier is a challenge not worth facing. With the landscape for configurators continually evolving, the choice can be overwhelming. You have web-based 2D and streaming 3D, in-dealership experiences, burgeoning VR and AR. You will have a supplier already familiar with your front and back-end, so the prospect of going through that again with someone new doesn’t seem worth it. A fine stance to take, but is it best for your business?

It is likely you will have specific front-end and back-end restrictions in place that need to be adhered to. We have seen it with Volkswagen and Bentley; they have fixed systems in place for storing and supplying data in a fixed format. At the same time, there needs to be a specific customer-facing interface that is consistent with the brand.

You need to marry these requirements with the consumer’s desire for personalisation. The truth is, there is rarely a “blank slate” when it comes to configurators. Choosing a new supplier will come down to the efficiency of their pipeline. One that has been designed to work seamlessly with your front and back-end systems. One that, once established, can be continuously worked on to improve it in terms of speed and flexibility for the benefit of the customer.


Getting to know you

In some cases, you might have a configurator that feels too similar to a competitor’s. Your current supplier might have a one-size-fits-all approach, creating cookie cutter configurators that lack a unique charm. If you are spending a considerable amount, you want to know you are not just another client on the pile. You want someone who is dedicated to and understands your brand.

In the case of one particular supercar brand, we performed a ‘Technical Feasibility Study’. This means working with data efficiently and effectively to produce world-class photo-realistic assets as a test, with a model that already has CGI assets available. We were able to demonstrate how quickly we can work with the client’s data and show the level of quality we could achieve with configurator assets. Working with existing assets means that the client had a ready comparison once we completed the study.

This is about more than the art. Your brand probably has a set of guidelines to manoeuver through, and it is at this point that a studio that has development capabilities comes in handy. Get your outputs delivered in the format you require, to the specifications and rulesets your brand adheres to, and the process again becomes simplified and painless, allowing the quality to shine through.


The start of something greater

But the journey doesn’t end when the configurator is complete. A company with ambition that matches your own will want to push the envelope, bringing you into the future tech that will dominate the scene.

That new configurator you have? Why not bring it into a VR environment. Or why not use it as a tool to create advertising images, movies, or applications. The more utility you can derive from this asset, the more value you will see from it. Remember, if you can configure it, you can use it.

So this brings us to the crux of the issue: why not change car configurator suppliers? If the configurator wasn’t the beginning of something great, you aren’t reaping all the benefits you could be. If the only thing stopping you is supposed difficulty, find a company who makes the process as painless as possible.

At REALTIME, we have been creating a wide variety of car configurators for a large range of leading automotive brands over the last 20 years. Our experience with engines such as the Unreal Engine allows us to configure in real-time. If you are looking to change car configurator supplier, get in touch with me at paul@realtimeuk.com.