
REALTIME Pledges Party Budget for Worthy Causes #xmaspartypledge

REALTIME is pledging unused Christmas party budgets to worthy causes this year. 

And we’re appealing to UK businesses to do the same!

More than 55 staff at UK-based REALTIME (www.reatimeuk.com) have already pledged their Christmas party budget to support health, wellbeing and youth homelessness charities. 

We hope to raise £2,000 for Centrepoint (www.centrepont.org); a charity that provides housing and support for young people regionally in London, Manchester, Yorkshire and the North East and through partnerships all over the UK.

Our pledge has now inspired a simple #xmaspartypledge appeal.

REALTIME Head of Production TV, Jane Forsyth, explains: “Christmas is going to be very different for everyone this year. And some people will be struggling more than most. Here at REALTIME, we were particularly touched by the national effort to look after children who need meals. It was important that we did what we could to help out.

“As a digital animation studio, our business hasn’t been affected as much as others during the pandemic. That’s why everyone wanted to help. Swapping the money we would normally spend on a Christmas party feels like a common sense simple way we can help a worthy cause.

“Our hope now is that others in our industry who have the means to do so will donate their unused Christmas party budgets to worthy causes too.”

Hannah Jones, regional fundraising manager for Centrepoint said: “We are incredibly grateful to REALTIME for showing us this support, at the end of what has been an incredibly difficult year. This donation will ensure that Centrepoint continues to offer tailored, holistic support to some of the country’s most disadvantaged young people.”

REALTIME has also set up a JustGiving page at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/xmaspartypledge 

TV VFX for dummies – Budgeting for your VFX (part 2)

Here we are again, another part of our ‘TV VFX for dummies’ series. And part 2 of our discussion on budgeting for your VFX. In part 1, we talked about the difficulty in assessing the final costs and the importance of staying on top of the ever-changing budget.

In this part, we will look at how everyone involved in the production – from the producer and director to the director of photography (DOP) and any commissioning execs – can provide the information needed to finesse the budget details. Let’s start by looking at the importance of making sure you have all the information you need.


The more information, the better

Although getting a fast turnaround ballpark is always going to be something clients require, what can we do to provide our clients with more accurate ballpark bids?

Here, the onus goes back to the client – whether they be the producer, line producer, or on-set VFX producer/supervisor. The more information they can give to the VFX vendor, the better. Ideally full scripts are the best starting point, but sometimes – for security reasons – only excerpts are available. If a project is at an early stage, only outlines or treatments may be possible. In this instance, all that clients can reasonably expect is a topline average cost per hour for that genre of TV, and even then this may not be accurate

But, on a more positive note, the following can be really helpful when ballparking costs on a series:

  • VFX breakdown or list – If the client can provide their own list of what they think is required, this is a great starting point. The VFX vendor can then add to this and/or query any VFX they think is missing from the client list.
  • Location stills – Seeing the locations being used helps improve the accuracy of any bids for set extensions, crowd replication, and clean up.
  • Production design concept work – For environments, characters, and sets.
  • Storyboards – These help understand the shot count for key sequences.
  • Reference artwork – Be they mood boards or other visuals that give an indication of tone, style, or design for the series.


Shot count

A key consideration when bidding on any series is the shot count. Usually, a VFX vendor can estimate the potential number of shots from the scene description in the script.

If there is a scene involving complex VFX – for example, a riot or a hero engaging a dragon in combat – then storyboards are likely to be available, which will give a clear indication of the shot count for that scene.

The overall number of shots in a series will undoubtedly have a big impact on the overall cost, particularly if the shot count is high in sequences with heavy VFX. It is therefore crucial to establish what the shot count is – at least for key sequences of the series


Meeting key team members

One way of ensuring the VFX vendor is fully briefed of the creative vision for a series is for them to meet the key creatives involved. This includes the showrunners, executive producers (EP’s), producers, directors, DOPs, and designers. Between them, these people will know what the creative ambition and style for the series is. For key sequences, the director, DOP, and designer will be able to provide crucial information on the shots and design that will inform the VFX methodology for the series, which will influence the budget.

Pre-production is a very busy time on any production. But ensuring there is at least one key meeting with the VFX vendor and the key creatives will help to make sure the vendor has more information to create a more accurate bid.


Planning – previs, postvis, and storyboarding

We’ve already talked about the importance of understanding the shot count, especially for scenes involving 3D animation. If storyboards aren’t available for these key sequences, we would strongly recommend that the production company commissions them or, if that isn’t an option, VFX vendors do sometimes commission their own.

Storyboards are a great visualisation tool, and storyboarding is cheaper than doing previsualisation (previs) or animation blockouts. On a TV series, there isn’t usually time or budget to do previs, although for key sequences it can help to communicate how a sequence will work to both the HODs and the commissioning execs.

More often than not in TV production, post-visualisation is the tool used to communicate how a CGI character or vehicle might look and move in a scene. Postvis is a very useful tool when doing animation or VFX work of any kind.  You can show how a character or piece of VFX will look in an actual plate from the series and get agreement from key creatives and commissioning execs before you start the animation or VFX work. 

By budgeting for postvis, you ensure you can get approval for your clients ahead of starting the more expensive animation and FX work.

This goes to show just how intertwined the budget is at every stage of production. In a way, the puzzle never ends and you need to constantly reassess your needs in relation to the budget. But as complex as it sounds, it doesn’t need to be complicated. Not if you focus on communication and building productive working relationships.

For a VFX vendor you can rely on, contact REALTIME. Our experience and expertise mean we know how to get the job done to budget and to a high quality. To find out more, you can get in touch with me at [email protected].

REALTIME Appointed Key VFX Vendor on Sky Original Drama

VFX Studio REALTIME has been appointed a key VFX vendor on the second season of Sky One drama ‘A Discovery of Witches’.

The second season of ‘A Discovery of Witches has been commissioned by Sky One and is being produced by British television production company Bad Wolf.

REALTIME has been briefed to create and design a variety of different magic techniques, using a mixture of FX and 2D techniques. They have also designed and animated a hero creature for the series.

The drama is a TV adaptation of the bestselling novel A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. It stars Matthew Goode (Downton Abbey) and Teresa Palmer (Hacksaw Ridge) and is shot in Wales and on location in Italy

Jonathan Rawlinson, executive producer at REALTIME, said: “We all watched and loved the first series of A Discovery of Witches. It’s great to be working with Bad Wolf on Season 2 of A Discovery of Witches. We’ve flexed our creature and FX designing skills to help design a truly unique character. Here’s hoping our skills stand us in good stead to help create another memorable digital on-screen experience for fans of the series.

“The project comes at an exciting time for REALTIME. We are developing a reputation for projects where creativity and literary excellence combine to make compelling TV series. And it’s always a thrill to work alongside partners who share our passion for screen dramas that live long in the memory.”

REALTIME is also currently working on The Watch for BBC America. The Watch is a fantasy police procedural series inspired by characters from Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. REALTIME is developing a number of creature and atmospheric assets for the show.

Last year, REALTIME worked on the BBC adaptation of the 2019 The War of the Worlds. REALTIME was a key VFX partner for the production, creating visual effects for the first-ever British television adaptation of H.G. Wells’ iconic novel. 

To meet demand, the VFX Studio launched a recruitment campaign which is ongoing. The campaign will see the studio become one of the largest in the North West UK region, employing a mix of up to 100 full-time staff and freelance digital artists by the end of 2021.


Notes for editors

  • More information about A Discovery of Witches Season 2. Season 2  opens with Matthew (Matthew Goode) and Diana (Teresa Palmer) on the streets of Elizabethan London, where they are hiding in time from the Congregation. Here in Elizabethan London they must find a powerful witch teacher to help Diana control her magic and search for the elusive Book of Life. Alongside the Elizabethan action, back in the present day, Diana’s beloved aunts, Sarah and Em, must take shelter with notorious witch hunter Ysabeau De Clermont at her ancestral home, Sept-Tours. Meanwhile, in Oxford, Marcus and Miriam take on Matthew’s mantle to protect daemons Nathaniel and Sophie, whose pregnancy is advancing. And Gerbert, Knox, Satu and Domenico are determined to hunt down every clue they can to Diana’s and Matthew’s disappearance, and the secrets their allies are keeping from them.


    • Executive Producers: Jane Tranter, Deborah Harkness, Lachlan MacKinnon, Susie Conklin, Pete McTighe
    • Directors: Farren Blackburn
    • Screenwriters: Sarah Dollard, Susie Conklin, Pete McTighe
    • Producer: Edoardo Ferretti
    • Production Designer: James North
    • VFX Supervisor: Steph Coren
    • VFX Producer: Antony Bluff




TV VFX for dummies – Budgeting for your VFX (part 1)

Welcome back to another part of our ‘TV VFX for dummies’ series, covering all of the aspects of the TV VFX outline, from the biggest ideas to the smallest details. Every part of the process is important, and each has its own quirks that might leave you wondering what to do.

That brings us to today’s topic: budgeting for your TV VFX. It’s a huge topic, so rather than covering everything in one massive article, we’re splitting it into two. Each one will be filled with thoughts and advice on the topic, so make sure to check back for part 2 soon. So let’s start by looking at how you can begin to work out rough figures for your VFX budgeting.


Initial ballparking at the script stage

Producers and production companies are often keen to get ‘ballpark’ bids from VFX vendors. This could be while a project is still being financed, or in the early stages of pre-production, when all the key departments are doing their budget estimates based on the latest script versions.

Creating a ballpark cost for a TV series at script stage can be a daunting and difficult task – particularly if the VFX vendor has yet to meet the producer, director, director of photography (DOP) and production designer to get a sense of the creative vision they all have for the series.

The production company or on-set VFX producer or supervisor asking for a ballpark cost often needs one quickly. The temptation for a VFX vendor is to turn around a cost based on average shot costs, rather than providing a cost that considers the relevant methodology and approach for each scene or sequence

Different companies and people bid in different ways. Some will err on the side of caution and allow for any eventuality, leading to a much higher bid. Others will go for the minimum cost for each different shot or sequence, assuming they will adjust the costs later in the process to meet the actual creative brief from the director, DOP and production designer.

The result can often be disappointing – both for the client and the VFX vendor. Clients might receive much bigger ballparks than they were expecting; or, conversely, appealing low bids. Later on, they may find those large ballparks reduce, as the vendor receives more information about the series. Similarly, very small bids can suddenly balloon when the full creative vision for the series is communicated to the VFX vendor.


Separating the asset costs

It’s common to separate asset costs in TV series that contain lots of 3D assets – whether it’s a creature or a spaceship.

It’s useful to do this so the production company knows how much it costs to create the asset in question. Conversely, if the 3D asset is included in the shot cost, the client won’t know how much that creature or asset costs to build.

Personally, I think it’s helpful for clients to know how much an asset costs to build. Often, it is less than they think and if the asset is an important character or creature, it is useful for the client to know then how much roughly it costs each time to ‘see’ that character in the series, but separately.

Once clients know how much an asset costs, it’s helpful for them to then think about using the asset as many times as they can afford. Creatures are relatively expensive to build, but once built, they aren’t that expensive to put into a shot. So if you are going to build an asset, then use it. Or rather, if you build an expensive asset, don’t just use it in one or two shots. 

The other side of that coin is if the asset only appears once in the series, do they really need it? Could they find other ways to use it? For example, if the asset is a digital matte painting, could it be re-used by changing the lighting or time of day?


Keep rebidding

For a production company or producer, the overall accuracy of a budget is extremely important.  The only way to keep on top of this is for the VFX vendor to keep rebidding the series. If a vendor boards a show that doesn’t have a VFX producer or supervisor on the team, they need to rebid the series following the tech recce and throughout the shoot as any key changes are made. 

If a VFX vendor provides a ballpark at script stage and doesn’t rebid the series until shots are turned over (and is not involved with tech recces and on set supervision), there will almost certainly be a dramatic rise in the VFX budget. The changes that happen throughout a shoot need to be communicated back to the vendor throughout and the budget adjusted accordingly.


Budget for clean-up costs

Last – but by no means least – in terms of cost comes clean up. ‘Fix it in post’ is one of the most overused phrases in the TV industry and is not something either producers or VFX vendors really want to hear. For producers, it means unwanted costs. For VFX vendors, it can mean budget for interesting creative shots being spent on clean-up that has no production value or impact.

While there is always a need to clean up unexpected or unwanted items from a shot, too often with a tight shooting schedule, clean-up work involves cleaning up crew members, crew vehicles, and equipment. These costs can be considerable, and they are almost always more than the client was expecting.

So my suggestion with clean up is that you should budget for it. Make an allowance per episode and stick to it. Otherwise, the costs can spiral; on many series, it can take up to 30% of the VFX budget or more.

You can clearly see just how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to budgeting. But there is still so much more to this dense topic. In part 2, we will look at what you can do to make the process easier and give VFX vendors a clearer picture of what to expect.

If you need a VFX vendor you can rely on to get the job done to budget and to a high quality, reach out to us here at REALTIME. To discuss further, you can contact me at [email protected].


A guide to crowd replication

The pandemic and its associated restrictions have left many industries with a quandary. How do we go about our business as usual when we’re far from ‘business as usual’? It’s something we’ve all had to adjust to and the TV industry is no different.

Many productions have kicked back into life, albeit with a new way of working. Filming a series or movie has become a puzzle as production teams find novel ways around the problem. Some are going as far as quarantining their entire cast and crew prior to filming, something that is sure to be expensive and outside many productions’ realm of possibility.

While you can figure out an on-set workaround for most issues, what can you do if you need an entire crowd? In our recent survey, we found crowd replication was a key concern for getting TV productions back up and running. With social distancing measures, having a live-action crowd isn’t safe or feasible, unless you want to spend a lot of money paying your extras to quarantine so they can be used to film in a ‘bubble’. Removing them altogether will make your show or film feel lifeless and empty. So what solutions are there?


Defining a crowd

Through a process called ‘crowd replication’, we can create lifelike crowds indistinguishable from the real thing. But what constitutes a crowd? Strictly speaking, the term only applies to groups of above 20 people. Think a platoon of soldiers, a raucous crowd at a football game, or a hoard of zombies. Below 20 people, you could still call it a crowd, but because of the smaller size, you would go about choosing a different workflow.

It’s also worth noting that there is a 2D way to do crowd replication and a 3D way. 2D crowd replication usually involves filming a cluster of people (5-20 at a time) at one spot, moving them, then filming again, on and on until you have filled your scene. That wouldn’t abide by social distancing rules, so isn’t an ideal solution. So we’ll be talking about 3D crowd replication solutions that we can reasonably do in these times.


How to make a crowd – below 20 people

There are several ways you can do this. The first is to film actors against a green screen, decked out in the right costume, and combine them into a group. You could film them together in socially distanced groups and replicate and fill in the gaps with individual people.

The second is to buy CGI models of the character asset you want. These could be individual people or groups. They would be dressed in whatever the model comes with. If you have a group where people don’t need to be unique individuals, such as in a crowd of soldiers, then it’s a good solution. 

But if you need them to be diverse in how they look and dress, it isn’t ideal because you will need to texture the models individually in different ways to make them look different in a crowd. You can always texture models with your own costume, using different software like Marvellous Designer, but this is time-consuming and expensive. However, if you are doing a period show or require specific costumes, then this is the best way.

The final method is to make bespoke character models and dress them with your chosen clothes/texture, which are ‘handmade’ digitally. You can do this through photogrammetry capture of actors in the clothes you want. You can also create ‘bespoke’ costume using Marvellous Designer, but you get a more realistic finish using photogrammetry.


A note about crowd sizes

Something else you need to consider is the size of the people in the crowd, as they appear on-screen. If they are bigger than an eighth of their real size, they aren’t really a crowd. If they’re anywhere between a quarter and half the size they should be, then they need to behave more realistically, otherwise, audiences will be able to spot that they aren’t real actors.

If you ever need to use a ‘featured’ character (as in a ‘main’ character), then this is even more crucial. You would need an incredibly accurate digital double of them. So whichever of the above it is, it will affect how they are made. As a rule of thumb, the closer the 3D character is to camera, the more expressive/ reactive they will need to be and the more realistic. This also affects the cost – so the closer to camera the 3D model is, the more it will cost.

If the character is going to be quarter- or half-size, then using photogrammetry is the usual way. You can also use motion capture of the actor. Another way of doing this would be to use volumetric capture of the actor to create a digital puppet of them. Disney used this method in 2019’s Aladdin for actor Will Smith in his role as the Genie. Weta Digital also has volumetric capture software to create digital double humans, though this is only viable for mega-budget studio movies at the moment.


How to make a crowd – over 20 people

Making bigger crowds is usually done with proprietary software that the big VFX houses have spent decades developing. One of the most well-known names in this category is Massive Software, crowd created using can be seen in the likes of Game of Thrones, I, Robot, and World War Z.

These days, you can also create large crowds with a software called Houdini. It’s an entire kit of essential VFX tools, one of which just happens to be crowd replication. It’s a relatively straightforward way to create simulations of entities that behave in the same way, such as zombies or skeletons.

Another route that is opening up is 4D capture. It’s currently being used by architects to populate CGI cityscapes with people but could easily be adapted to work for TV and film. As technology tends to do, I wouldn’t be surprised if this improves in the years to come and becomes a staple technique. Time will tell.

If there is one takeaway, it’s that crowd replication is possible even in these unprecedented times. If your script calls for a diverse crowd of individuals or an oncoming army of soldiers, it can still have that. There are plenty of digital solutions available that can create realistic crowds and who knows, it might just be your new favourite way to do it.

At REALTIME, our expertise in VFX covers crowd replication, amongst many other specialities. We work collaboratively with you to deliver the results you need. To find out more, reach out to me at [email protected].