
TIGA Awards: Meet the Dinos

You may have previously heard that we’re going to be sponsoring this year’s TIGA Awards. If you have, you’ll probably know that we’re pretty excited to be doing so. And that’s partly to do with the amazing, super awesome, brick-tastic idea that we have been creatively brewing for our table gifts (which we hope that you’re excited to be receiving too).

You’re probably thinking… ‘But Jess, what is this amazing, super awesome, brick-tastic idea that you are talking about?’ Well I’ll take you all the way back to the beginning…

Once upon a time, at the start of September… The RealtimeUK Marketing Department congregated around the ‘great boardroom table’ to try and come up with the ultimate award evening table gift. It was much like the meeting of ‘The Fellowship’, but with less people.

We debated what makes a great gift; practicality, shininess, collectability… but one word kept coming to mind- fun. And from fun we found colourful blocks of joy… Lego.

But Lego alone wasn’t enough. We felt like we needed the statement scarf to match our already chic outfit. Fortuitously, it was at that moment that we found out about the success of our Jurassic World Evolution trailer – Dinosaurs!

The RealtimeUK Lego Challenge was born.

On the night of the TIGA Awards we’ll be placing a giant brick on each of your tables. Much like a Russian nesting doll, the giant brick will be filled with lots of regular sized bricks. And this is where you’ll come in.

We’re challenging you to get creative, to let your imaginations run wild; by creating the greatest Lego dinosaur known to man, and reptile alike.

It’s a big ask, I know. And that’s why we have been busy making these informative yet cute videos of the RealtimeUK Dinos being built. Let me introduce you to our resident Dinos;


Meet Darius: The dotty Diplodocus. He is a keen train spotter, loves drinking hazelnut lattes and wearing odd socks.



Meet Jeff: The short tempered but warm hearted T-Rex. Jeff loves reading Nordic spy novels, doing some *rad* stunts on his skateboard, but he also knows how important it is to relax with a Bublé Bath.



Meet Susie: The cheerful Triceratops. She likes laughing, watching Criminal Minds and participating in bi-monthly tug of war contests.



Meet Greg: The chill Stegosaurus. He’s a big fan of David Attenborough, a proud Ravenclaw, and he is also a strong believer in the theory that Keanu Reeves is an immortal.


They’re going to be up to quite a lot over the next week; meeting Stormtroopers, going on hobbit like adventures and even playing a bit of FIFA. You can follow their adventures over on our Twitter page.

You can build one of the RealtimeUK Dinos or you can go off-piste and do your own thing. Either works for us.

But whatever you do, we want to see your masterpieces! You can do that by tagging the pictures with our marvellous hashtag #RTUKLegoChallege over social media platforms, where we’ll be eagerly awaiting to see what you have created.

Not attending the awards? Don’t worry. Gather together your own brick supplies and make some fabulous dinosaurs, and send them to us with the hashtag. The more Dinos the better.

TIGA Awards here we come!

REALTIME’s Jurassic World Game Trailer Makes A Roaring Statement


A small northern VFX studio breaking records with their second coloration with Frontier Developments

  • Small studio in the North of England produces trailer with a ROAR!
  • The trailer was produced for the new Jurassic World Evolution game set to be released next summer.
  • It’s the most successful trailer produced by the studio to date, with over 10m views over official channels.

After working with Frontier Developments previously on Elite: Dangerous, REALTIME have cemented their strong relationship with the Cambridge based games developer, being invited to produce the trailer for the highly anticipated Jurassic World Evolution, which is set to be released next summer.

The Jurassic Park franchise has been booming ever since the release of the mega blockbuster Jurassic World in 2015. With a renewed press on the nostalgia button, fans and gamers alike are both incredibly excited for the release of the new Evolution game; which gives players a chance to be their own park rangers, building and designing their own Jurassic world.

REALTIME’s Managing Director Tony Prosser spoke about his elation of being able to handle such a prolific piece of intellectual property, “We’ve been trusted with some huge franchises over the years but we’re all especially proud to have been asked to create such an exciting marketing trailer for such a monumental movie franchise.”

The world class talent within the company’s Westby studio devoted their skills and resources into creating a show stopping, memorable trailer. Leaving you ready start your grand designs on how the T-Rex enclosure will look- and if would it be the best idea to put it right next to the Raptor habitat.

The response following the trailers release couldn’t have been more of a compliment to the hard work put in by the studio’s artists, “Our trailer achieved over seven million views in its first two days of launch, which is a new record for our studio” Tony commented. As of today, the trailer has received over 10 million views across official channels, making it the most successful trailer the studio has released to date.

Not only was the internet’s response positive, but Frontiers C.O.O David Walsh was also impressed with the material REALTIME produced; “Once again the team at REALTIME have done a great job in helping to communicate the quality and vision of our game.”



REALTIME VFX studio has a rich 20-year history in creating cutting edge, high-end content for marketing films, imagery, VR and in-engine content. With a passion and desire to achieve the highest levels of image quality, characterisation and engagement; The UK based company have had success in attracting some of the biggest names in the video games world such as Wargaming, Sony, Amazon, Tencent, Hi-Rez and SEGA to name but a few.


For further information contact:

Jess Chenery, [email protected]realtimeuk.com, 01772 862 363

Notes to editors:

  • Founder and Owner Tony Prosser
  • Established 1996
  • Quite simply, the team at REALTIME is passionate about creating inspiring commercials, marketing trailers, VFX & CG imagery

The Academy Graduates

After four weeks of hard work; Joe, Dani and Flora have successfully graduated from the first REALTIME Academy!

They have each gained invaluable industry experience at our Lancashire studio, working alongside world renowned artists, preparing them for life outside of the lecture theatre. The academy offered a perfect opportunity to dip their toes into the pool of professional artistry, and a “peak into the real world” (which they found isn’t all that scary).

During their time here, they were briefed with a challenge to test both their creative and technical skills. JoeDani and Flora had to create an environment that intrigued the viewer, which would then force them to ask a question. Each environment also had to feature a hero asset, a vignette set around the hero asset, a digital matte projection and two atmospheric FX elements. One of our Senior Artists, Chris Scubli, responded to seeing their final pieces; “The best part was seeing how each of them reacted differently to the same brief.” You can see the impressive results below.

It’s brilliant to see how much they enjoyed their time here, and how they are keen to recommend their experiences to others looking to develop their skill set. As Dani from Hertfordshire University said, “It’s a very good experience in terms of being in a studio with actual professionals around you. I think that it’s the best way to learn.”

It’s not just the students who are benefiting from the academy though. Our Recruitment Manager, Pete Leonard, has found that the responses from the universities themselves has been excellent. He hopes to develop further collaborative strategies with more educational institutions in the future.

We can’t wait to host some more incredible talent at next year’s REALTIME Academy.

Make sure you follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages so you don’t miss out on any amazing opportunities.



Going for Goo!

Our VFX wizards Graham Collier and Adrian Vickers give you a little insight into the VFX produced for Dropzone in their latest interview with SideFX

Here is a little snap shot, but you can see the full interview HERE

The exploding alien shots don’t come until the end of the trailer, but when they do they have immediate impact, with varying amounts of organic goo splashed around. In order to realise this kind of demise, REALTIME looked to Houdini’s Finite Elements solver for a ‘soft body’ approach.

“We loved the organic results we were getting,” says lead VFX artist Graham Collier. “So we started off by testing the Fractured Solid Object FEM tools. We got some very nice results from this so we exported the animated alien meshes into Houdini.”











As the trusted partner for world-renowned games companies for over 20 years, we have the experience, expertise and passion to deliver engaging and immersive trailers for upcoming releases.

With specialist creative teams working with the latest CGI tools, we create cutting-edge visual communications that captivate audiences, engage viewers and inspire belief. Whether it’s an online marketing trailer or TV commercial, we’ll create fantastic digital worlds that deliver tangible real life results.

Through individual and team expertise, our highly adaptive production pipelines add efficiency, quality and transparency to our creative processes.

Houdini Substeps

This weeks Top Tip on Houdini substeps comes from our very own Graham Collier!

Houdini – Substeps!!!

When running simulations with Houdini substeps, it’s always a good idea to check if your emitter and collision object are setup correctly.

Under Global animation options, switch off Integer Frame Values. Now you can scrub through subframes in the viewport.

Switch on Display point trails in the viewport to check your velocities.

No velocities on your animated geo? Then try using a trail SOP set to Compute Velocity. If your point count is changing and you have IDs then switch on Match by Attribute and set it to id.

If your geo is not updating during substeps then try using a Timeblend SOP. This can be used to compute fractional positions within a frame.

If you have deforming collision geometry, then make sure you have Re-evaluate SOPs to Interpolate Geometry switch on. You can switch on the Collision guide geo to check it updates.


Take a look what Graham had to say about his latest VFX work in SMITE:






With seamless visual effects, cutting edge in-game cinematics and compelling storytelling, we help immerse gamers in fantastical digital worlds. Our cutting-edge visuals and engaging storytelling can set moods, create emotional connections and drive a storyline forward – all while helping to bring digital worlds to life. This can be combined with character design, helping to inspire belief further and turn players into fans.

As well as pre-rendered footage, we also deliver in-engine, live action and 2.5D solutions; all created by the same highly skilled team. Our highly adaptive production pipelines ensure an efficient, high quality and transparent creative process.

Please get in touch with Callum if you have any questions on how we can help you, [email protected]